Are you ready to Take Off?
Your personal Roadmap to Success
Read on to grab yours.
Super groups are very small groups of wrestlers – 3, no more than 4 – training together at the Attack Barn, starting in early June (dates to be determined but starting as early as humanely possible) .
The personalization for every single athlete will be off the charts. I will know, in fine details, your greatest strengths and most glaring weaknesses, and will chart your ultimate success plan, utilizing your strengths, and guiding you to minimize and start to eliminate your weaknesses. Aka, your complete wrestling analysis and road map to success.
The health protocols will be very detailed and thorough. Be sure to read them thoroughly – only athletes who can fully adapt to these health protocols will be invited to partake in these trainings. No Exceptions. You must be on board with every step.
Also critical – athletes have to be on the email list to sign up for Supergroup training (hence, you won’t find a signup page here). The reasons for this are pretty obvious: It is more crucial than ever that Everyone read and agree to every condition of training here. No walk-ins will be accepted and the doors will be locked once training begins (warning: prepare in advance to be on time).
To be considered for inclusion into a supergroup
You will be asked to submit the entry form, which will include the following:
- Read, accept and agree to the health protocols listed below on this page
- Name 3 of your friends/teammates/fellow trainees that you would be comfortable training with that you would trust to:
- 1. Be a great partner. 2. Follow health protocols. 3. Dedicate to training (aka, showing up at appointed times on time and ready to train).
- List your greatest attributes in wrestling (ex: strength, specific moves/positions, etc).
- List your biggest obstacles to success on the mats (aka, weaknesses that you need to overcome in order to win matches).
- Your current weight (please be within 20 lbs)
- Grade in spring 2021
- Date of birth
- Suggested name of your supergroup (I lean toward musical supergroups such as Asia or Rockestra, but am open to your ideas). This is a just for fun aspect of the program. That said, choosing “Spice Girls” as a name will be rejected immediately. So will “Dixie Chicks”.
Some of this info, I may already have access to. Please make it easier for me by providing it again, so I can assemble appropriate groups.
I WILL share with you proposed group assignments prior to the session. You will have the opportunity to decline to work in a group, but the more flexible you are, the better chance of getting paired for training.
If you are currently on a payment plan or have paid in advance – your funds will be applicable to this training.
Supergroup Health Protocols
A word about the following Health Protocol: Details have been assembled through a combination of factors, including the State of Ohio’s requirements, recommendations, and protocols set forth for gyms to reopen – in addition to best practices established from gyms throughout the land, and our own already sturdy health protocols that we’ve implemented for years.
The following will apply to ALL athletes and parents in the program:
Review following daily checklist prior to arrival each day. Submit an email check-in every day prior to training to report the following. If any of the following are a YES, please report that to via email and stay home that day. Otherwise, report a “no”.
Known Exposure to anyone Covid-19 positive within the past 14 days
Exhibiting symptoms of covid-19, including dry cough, sneezing, shortness of breath, fever, etc.
Other illnesses, etc.
Prior to arrival, please report to me if your athlete has developed a rash anywhere on the body. (if so, I will be checking that rash prior to the session.
Athletes arrive at least 15 minutes early and stay in cars until signaled to come in.
Parents/guardians will remain outside the building – I will wave to you and can talk to you at a distance.
All athletes entering the building will be provided, and use, hand sanitizer immediately upon entering.
All athletes entering the building will get a temperature check. Any with fevers will be sent home (athletes should be checked ahead of time at home to save yourself time.
All athletes will then undergo a thorough skin check while stripped to a suitable undergarment (yes, that means have underwear on).
All Athletes will then take a shower prior to the start of the session at our facility. You must bring your own towel.
All athletes must change into clean workout clothes they did Not wear into the building. Make sure you have packed extra socks, underwear, shorts, shirt, and towel. All Clothing must be unworn prior to your shower. I will be making sure you brought a separate set of workout clothes.
Following the training session: all athletes Will shower prior to leaving the building. Note: saying you will “shower when I get home" is not acceptable. These practices assure that you will rid yourself of bacteria, germs, etc., from your body and clothing, prior to leaving the building, and helps prevent the spread of germs, bacteria and disease, to you and your loved ones as well. You must then change out of all clothes worn during the session, and into clean clothes (you may change back into the clothes you wore when you arrived).
Protocols we follow prior to every session:
The mats are mopped with a strong disinfectant
The showers, including locker room floors are cleaned with strong disinfectant.
All surfaces – handles, benches, etc. that athletes could come in contact with, are wiped down prior to and after every session.
The trainer – me – showers, changes clothes takes all health precautions, just as the athletes are doing, to help reduce your risk as well.
The trainer – me – checks temperature several times throughout the day.
Every precaution that applies to the athletes, applies to me.
Our building is NOT open to ANYONE who isn’t specifically invited. We have no visitors entering the building other than myself, and athletes who train here (at this time, prior to the first Supergroup session, no athletes, or students, have been in our building since our last training session).
Two Final Notes:
One: Details such as commitment level requirements, training times, objectives in training groups, and fees, will be included on the signup page, and you will have full access to that information prior to making your commitment. That sign-up page is available through a link provided in emails (you must be on the list to sign up).
Two: We request that athletes committing to training here, NOT train elsewhere at this time. We are doing everything we can to help prevent the spread of the deadly virus and limit potential exposure – for your health and safety, as well as the health and safety of our own family.