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Who I voted for and why it doesn’t matter
Who I voted for and why it doesn’t matter

Last night in the room, a few wrestlers asked me who I voted for in the Presidential Election.

Several of them had major concerns if the wrong candidate won, such as:

  • Our rights will be taken away
  • Our property will be taken away
  • Our country will be in ruins!

My response:

Whoever wins is not likely to greatly affect your life.  Certainly, one’s policies can and do affect people’s lives (case in point, me having to install 3 different ADA-approved showers in my locker room due to over-reaching regulations.  Yeah, that was fun.)

For the most part, though, the person who has the greatest impact on your life, and on your successes or failures – is you.

A politician can do little to stop you, if you are bent on success.

So, sit back, root for your favorite candidate – and relax.

And, prepare to continue to do your thing – most of the time they really can’t stop your path to success.

I’m opening up new training – its a short-term program, but you can read all about it here.
