Here’s where I’m at a crossroads with much of the wrestling community.
While a pandemic rages on across the country…
And hospitals are nearing capacity in many places…
Some wrestling trainers have kicked their doors wide open, and they keep packing them in like Covid-19 never happened, with nary a health protocol in place.
Wherever you stand on the Covid issue, there’s a big problem with proceeding in a haphazard, irresponsible way, like many trainers are doing out there.
As the numbers creep higher across the country, we are fast approaching another shutdown – meaning, merely weeks before the start of wrestling practice, the shuttering of the 2020-21 season.
Regardless of your stance on the issue, it won’t be you that makes the decision. It will be health boards and elected officials.
Those who are acting irresponsibly – packing in their gyms with kids from all over, with little to no regard for health protocols, are selfishly contributing to the problem and greatly increasing the likelihood that our wrestling season will be cancelled.
Higher numbers of covid-19 cases mean we all risk suffering through another shutdown, and this next one is likely to rob our young people of the opportunity to compete.
This is why I drastically revamped my training program and packed my training room full of strict health protocols to keep wrestlers and their parents, friends, etc., as safe as possible.
ACE looks a lot different this season as a result.
Groups of 4-7 kids instead of the usual big crowd.
And since I’ve recently received inquiries about available training, I am opening up a few more opportunities – on a very limited basis.
These training opportunities will take place on Monday and Wednesday.
Health protocols will mirror our ACE protocols.
We will have room for groups of 2, 3 or 4 (no solos, and you have to have a partner).
It is, in a sense, personal training.
Your first step is to go here, read the info and email me. I don’t have a form yet and spots will be filled by invitation only, after I receive your email.
Go here now to read all about it.