If you haven’t heard of Marcus Lemonis, I behoove you to check out his award-winning television show, The Profit. In it, Marcus personally invests in struggling businesses and utilizes the three P’s as his guiding principle when assessing a business.
His 3 P’s:
- People
- Process
- Product
The one I am focusing on today is a major guiding principle for my attack system training as well. That is….
Or, as I sometimes refer to it, the Attack System Process.
Our process starts with potential athletes/parents being on the email list. Yes, I’m a tyrant about this step of the process, and here’s why:
- email is my main means of communication. Other sources – Fakebook, instagramm, etc – not so much. I might see the message, I might not. Email, I check constantly.
- every athlete in my training program receives email reminders about sessions, as well as bonuses. And if something changes at the last minute – I can whip out an email to the entire group very quickly.
- You gain a full understanding of my attack system philosophy
- Added bonus if and when the emails are entertaining.
- You understand the entirety of my process.
That last one is more important than ever before, in the age of Covid-19 (which I covered extensively in my book), we have detailed procedures meant to keep you and your family safe, and as well as everyone who enters the room.
And when everyone understands the process – training goes more smoothly.
Athletes are safer and healthier.
The Barn is a much more appealing place to be (all on board, no divas allowed).
That’s why this summer, I made a subtle, but way overdue change in my process.
All signup pages for training programs are hidden behind my deep, dark, nearly impenetrable firewall.
The only way to access them is via invitation from the email list.
Final reminder, we start Sunday. We have a few openings remaining.
The process starts here.