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“Nobody’s putting their fingers in my eye!”

Whatever happened to the old head tap?

It happened again this weekend:  Wrestler taps the head, other kid backs away clutching at his eye like he got poked.  

One point Red.

This newly overreaching rule has run rampant in collegiate and high school wrestling and is out of control.

One of the most common, effective, and harmless, setups, hijacked by Wrestling Government Overreach.

[Speaking of overreach, it reminds me of the time in college when the optometrist wanted to help me put my contacts in and I was all, “nobody’s putting their fingers in my eye!"  Yet I digress.]

Now here’ssomething muchmore pleasant than a sharp poke in the eye…

have you ever wanted to fix just one issue in just 30 minutes?

Here are some common issues off the top of my head:

  • my wrestle-off opponent crushes me with legs.  How can I counter it?
  • I can’t get in on the opponents’ legs
  • my shot stinks
  • every time I get a front headlock I lose
  • I struggle to fight off my back
  • [this space for rent]

The reason these are off the top of my head is because I’ve had wrestlers ask me all of the abovethrough the years (as well as too many others to mention).  If you click the link below you can read about one of the more memorable ones.

Now that spring club is over, I have a short window of time to work with athletes who are new to my program, to fix an issue that may be frustrating you.

To learn more, go here


PS   If this seems like an unusual time for me to launch the 30 minute solution, especially with camps right around the corner, think of it this way:  If you are considering coming to camp this summer but aren’t sure this is the answer for you, this is a great way to get in a short session and see what its about – and see if this training is a fit for you.  If it is, you can join us this summer for more training.  If not, well, you have nothing to lose because the 30 minute solution comes with a money back guarantee (you can read about it here)

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