and we had just moved here to The Sticks, we walked out to the creek that runs through the back of our property. He’d been pestering me to go panning for gold since we arrived so now was our chance.
There he was, equipped with a pan (actually a saucer from the kitchen)…and down to the creek we went.
It didn’t take him long to pan out some promising nuggets.
“Dad! I struck gold! We’re going to be rich!”
As he excitedly swished the water around though, pretty soon those bright shiny nuggets started to evaporate and turn into…well…just ordinary dirt.
His dejected response: “It turned to gold…but then it turned back again.”
Reminds me of what a parent said, after he thought he and HIS son hit gold at a wrestling camp.
“it was really cool meeting a wrestling STAR. We got a picture with him and posted it on Facebook. My son couldn’t recall a single thing he learned though…
Your wrestlers path to Gold Medals involves systematized training where he develops skills to win from the core positions in wrestling…and knows exactly what to do from every position on the mat….
replacing doubt and uncertainty with a clear path to winning.
NOT a path where Gold is promised but Fools Gold is delivered.
Unfortunately, many places employ these tactics…because people keep buying into their fools gold.
This summer, learn how to shake the pan and discover TRUE Gold.
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