Here are some marquee matches from the state tournament I wished I hadn’t seen:
3 mats, 6 excellent wrestlers. I couldn’t wait for it to begin!
After one period on each mat….ZERO points.
That’s 6 minutes of wrestling from 6 of of the state’s best wrestlers without a single point between them.
Two kids crawling around on their knees.
Two dancing and not making contact.
Only one shot attempt in the whole thing.
I’ll reserve my suggested rules changes for another time (including: wrestler crawls around on his knees, ref starts counting. 1-2-3, stalling)
instead, my suggestion is for wrestlers to do this:
Adopt the Attack System mindset: put the opponent on defense, keep him there, and attack relentlessly.
Here’s a sure-fire way to see more action:
Take in a freestyle tournament this spring.
Freestyle promotes more action by:
- forcing you finish fast and react quickly
- Attacking and taking chances is rewarded not punished
- Playing defense gets you beat because the sport is built to reward attackers
- a lot of crazy-OMG action!
Freestyle and greco also require a whole ‘nother level of handfight to win.
Its why we focus on it heavily every spring, especially this year because….
I have a surprise in store this spring to elevate handfighting to an art form (details to follow soon so keep reading the emails).
There may also be an Easter egg of sorts here.
If you’re ready to have a ton o’ fun and see some crazy-exiting action (no snooze alarm needed), go here.
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