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Turns from the Jurassic Era your opponents can’t stop

Long long millennium ago, I had a smart young whipper-snapper in my room who possessed, shall we say, Blue (from Jurassic World) intelligence but Dog Poo athletic ability.

Never the fast kid…

or the strong kid…

or even the one with great hips, but he had one overwhelmingly beneficial characteristic:

His ability to embrace my system of wrestling, especially this turn series I had just refined.

Fortunately for him, this series didn’t require that which he didn’t have:

  • strength
  • speed
  • athleticism

Every week, we’d work on this series, starting with the setup, and finishing with the three finishes.

Every week, he’d get better and better with it, until we unleashed him – and this powerful series – on the wrestling world.

Result:  that turn landed him a spot in the state tournament, where he turned near fall points on state level athletes with it.

It also led him to his school’s career near fall, and season near fall records – which he held until another kid from his school, who also trained with me, and learned the same series, broke it.

Tomorrow’s camp will feature this long-forgotten, devastating turn (and my college counselors will no doubt take it back and start tormenting other collegians with it).

Once you learn this series, your opponent is in for a world of hurt – because he can’t stop it.

If you want to dominate your opponents with this devastating, yet largely forgotten turn that they’ll never see coming, join us – but hurry.

This closes down tonight (June 28)

Would you hand over your zero turn mower to an ADHD teenager?

Well I did.

And the result was, shall we say…

as to be expected.

In less than half an hour, the entire lawn had been mowed….front, side, field, back…

  • splotches of unmoved grass in every section…
  • hit a rock and nearly wiped out the pool…
  • kid flying through the air screaming…
  • and one very happy teenager (and much less happy adult).

The randomness of it all reminded me how most athletes and parents approach camps and training.

Jump from gym to gym, getting little pieces of unmowed knowledge to try piecing together later on.

Many take this approach for years, not realizing that what looks like the short cut, is really the long way around.

Kinda like having to go over the entire yard again because you missed critical pieces the first time.

Instead of adapting the ADHD approach to wrestling training, you can opt to:

Discover this powerful system of wrestling – and capture it in just one week.


PS:  This week’s Takedown Master Camp is almost full – if you want in, now’s your chance

My dog that pees on wrestlers (and more fun you can have at camp)

My dog, we’ll call him Sam (since that’s what he comes to) loooooves wrestling camp.  Camp season is the highlight of his year.  So many new friends to make, and wrestlers to play with!

He also likes to show off his vast knowledge of the English language as well as his spelling skills.

One year, he got so excited about seeing one of his favorite campers….

that he peed on him.


(While the affinity went both ways, at least the wrestler was able to control himself).

Anyway, playing with Sam is just one of the many fun things you can do at camp this summer.

Here are some additional activities we partake in here in the country:

  • Swimming in our pool
  • Soccer games on our sports field
  • Wrestlers wandering zombie-like off our property playing Pokémon go (we had to curb that though)
  • Playing the just plain fun nighttime game whose name can’t be mentioned
  • Fireworks if you’re here at the right time
  • Cookouts and marshmallow roasts
  • Dodgeball
  • And new this summer: laser tag!

Oh and lest I forget….

you can learn a complete system of wrestling on your feet, and the mat (youth wrestlers get good chunk of it…younger youth gets our brand new skills camp).

Congrats to you if you have already snagged your spot in summer camps (bring an extra change of clothes in case Sam takes a special liking to you).  Encourage your friends to join you at camp while there are still openings.


PS  Now that its June, time is a-wastin’.   grab your spot now while there’s still time