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How Geezer Ref whipped Stud Rick without his cane

Back in Yeee Olde Country, I was at a local wrestling tournament and watching the open division.

THE Stud of the Valley, this young, muscle-bound, 4X state placer named Rick (name not changed to protect the guilty), was faced off in the finals against…

A short, balding, big bellied referee with flabby arms.

And we all stood around the mat, ready to watch this travesty unfold.

“Where’s the pay phone?  We’re gonna need to call the medic soon,” we all thought.

[For you young-ins, people used to have to put a quarter in a pay phone to make a call because cell phones weren’t invented yet.  Not only did the kids not have phones, the adults didn’t either.  Shocking, huh?]

Yet I digress, the match has started.

Rick the Stud is ready to tear Geezer Ref apart and we’re all lined up to watch the entertainment.

He attacks,  Geezer moves slowly – and counters him.  

Score:  2-0 Geezer Ref!

Back on their feet, stud Rick continues his attacks…

To no avail. 

Geezer Ref has an answer to everything Rick does.

We are now watching this unfold in stunned silence.

When the match is over, Geezer Ref has prevailed – and Rick hasn’t even scored a point.

How in the world does something like this happen?

Geezer, as it turns out, didn’t just fall off the turnip truck.  He had been a highly successful wrestler in his day, and, like most successful wrestlers, followed this simple formula:

  • Position yourself so you can’t be attacked (Rick, the quicker and stronger wrestler, could not attack him because his positioning was excellent)
  • Break your opponent’s position
  • Score at will

You can discover the secret to positioning, and neutralizing superior athletes, this summer – and you don’t even need a big belly.

Wrestler jumps into mosh pit and loses more than his toes

I recently stumbled across this article about moshing, and how many injuries occur at these things.

Especially at rock concerts.

Paul Wertheimer, president of a concert crowd management company, recommends steel toed boots at these events because, apparently, more toes are getting smashed than pumpkins.

“There is no way to crowd surf or stage dive safely consistently,” he said.
(source:  ABC  Mosh pit or death pit?)

As dangerous as mosh pits can be, here’s something even more dangerous if you're a wrestler:

Jumping into the mosh pit of wrestling camps.  That mosh pit often looks like this:

  • Stars eager to give you their autograph
  • Different moves and clinicians every session
  • No system, just random moves
  • Fancy Clinic moves that look great but don’t work against the good kids
  • No re-enforcement of technique
  • lots of merchandise shoved your way
  • You leave camp and wonder, “what did I learn?”
  • You’re no better off (but your wallet is lighter) than when you started.

When you’re done with camp, if you can’t speed drill with precision through the entire camp’s technique – you probably wasted your time.

Even worse:  there's a better than even chance that your wrestling skills got crushed like toes at a Metallica concert.

This summer, you can avoid the mosh pit and adopt this proven, highly successful wrestling system as your own.
