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Are You Satisfied?

If you participated in your respective high school state championship, congratulations.

If you Placed or Won your state championship, an even bigger congratulations.

Now is the time however when I have to ask you an all important question:   Are you Satisfied?

There are really only two possible answers:

Yes I am or No I am not.
If your answer is “NO", now is the time for the next very important question:

What are you going to do about it?

Well you have three choices…

Cry (see picture below)


Or cry and Act.

Either of the last two are preferable.

If you are ready to ACT NOW so next year will be your best season ever, keep reading.

If not, see Option #1 above.

Here’s the full uncensored story of how you can stop wondering why you’re not winning almost every match and enjoy the season that you’ve always dreamed about.

How many times have you said “I can't seem to get in on my opponents”  How many times have you thought “If I could have blocked his last takedown I would have won the match.”  Or this very common one:  “I wish I could score off my opponents' shots!"

How many times have you said,  “I just cannot get off the bottom…escape from legs…counter the spiral half…"


“He was really good from bottom and I couldn’t turn him.”

All of these shortcomings may have seemed tragic to you this year when you experienced them, but here is the real truth

Maybe you don't realize that every elite level wrestler has struggled with these exact same situations at some point in their wrestling careers.

There were certain skills they didn’t yet possess.  They have worried, “Am I just not talented enough?" and wondered, “Are some guys just lucky?"  Or this one, “Maybe they are just a freak of nature."

The truth is, there, are very few true freaks of nature.  I've been to the circus and seen a few of them but…

Most of the time there is something that moved these athletes to the level of an elite wrestler.  

How did they become a champion?

I know you want to know the answer to that very question.

So I'm going to give you the answer right now.

They learned there is a process – a formula –  a path to winning matches more often.

The best wrestlers in the country approach improvement as a formula – a process – a path to winning matches more often.

Once they have found this path, they know exactly what they want to do on the mat.

Would you like to learn more about how this path can lead you to greater success than ever before?  If so, click the button below, this blog is getting a bit long…

…but Alabama was PERFECT
Picture If you watched Ohio State play Alabama in football, you might have caught the following mental mistake...

Picture If you watched Ohio State play Alabama in football, you might have caught the following mental mistake…

It was the first half and things were turning in a negative direction for the Buckeyes.  The score was 21-6 and it was looking grim, when the announcers started talking about OSU coach Urban Meyer’s response to studying Alabama on film.  The sportscaster asked Meyer if he had found the weaknesses on Alabama’s team to exploit, and Meyer said, “They have no weaknesses.”

Now let’s understand for a minute what was happening here.  Urban Meyer, coach of the OSU Buckeyes, didn’t really believe Alabama had no weaknesses.  He was just being polite for the press – while keeping his true findings to himself.

The sportscasters, however, missed it.  They used that conversation to make their point, at that particular junction in the game, for a reason:  To let YOU know that even the opposing coach thinks Alabama is perfect – therefore, unbeatable – hence you should feel that way as well.

Only problem was, Urban Meyer didn’t really mean it. 

He was only being polite.

And now you know the rest of the story….

This is an important lesson for you to remember.  There are times when people close to you will do everything in their power to let you know that your upcoming opponent is PERFECT.   And unbeatable.

Just like Alabama.

I hope, when that happens, you remember how Ohio State handled “perfect” and “unbeatable”.

Nobody is perfect and nobody is unbeatable.


One key part of my Stay Healthy Guide
One of my most dedicated wrestlers, Cole, helped us get in the Christmas spirit this past week.  Thanks, Cole!

One of my most dedicated wrestlers, Cole, helped us get in the Christmas spirit this past week. Thanks, Cole!

With the holidays here, and big Holiday Tournaments around the corner, I wanted to remind wrestlers to Stay Healthy.  I've mentioned this Stay Healthy Guide that I am working on, but I'm afraid it won't be done for a while yet.  Holiday time is Family time here at the Simpson household, as it is for most, so some of these things will have to wait because I'm just running out of time.

However, there are some key health-related things you can do now to stay healthy during this seasonal season.

Today, let's discuss Diet and Weight Management.  Every athlete's favorite subject!  Here are a few guidelines:

  • Avoid skipping meals
  • Eat Healthy
  • Dehydration should be the very last resort thing you do
  • Know your body and take a scientific approach to the scale

Now in detail…

Avoid Skipping Meals

When you skip meals, your body adjusts accordingly by slowing down its metabolism (making it harder to cut weight) and burning muscle for energy. This is why many wrestlers get weaker as the season progresses, by the way.

Eat Healthy

You are what you eat, as they say, and if you put junk into your body, you very well might wrestle like junk! The food you eat is energy for your body. Would you gas your car with the wrong kind of fuel? If you put dirt in the gas tank your car won't go. Wh would your body be any different?

Dehydration should be the last resort

Your body is made up of about 60-65% water. Dehydration does all kinds of negative things to the body, including organ damage. Without water your body starts to shut down. If you dehydrate to make weight, at least limit it to the last possible minute. Do not get pulled into the habit of dehydration all week long – and limit it even on the last day.

A Scientific approach to the scale.

Here's something I did when I was a kid, trying to monitor my weight…

First, I would weight myself on the school scales. Then I'd go home and weight myself on my home scales. That way I'd have a baseline to compare to. Keep in mind, you have to be wearing exactly the same amount of clothes – whether that is some, or none at all – so your baseline is accurate. You also have to avoid eating or drinking anything between these weigh-ins. And, it goes without saying – the weigh-ins have to be close together in time.

Next I would weigh myself right before bed. I'd note the time. First thing in the morning, another weigh-in. Again, same level of clothing both times. From these two weigh-ins, I would calculate how much weight I would 'drift off' in a particular amount of time. Drifting is the amount of weight you will lose simply by existing, not counting working out.

By doing this I figured out that I would lose, on average, one pound every 8 hours. Then I'd go the math: If weigh-ins were 24 hours away, I could count on drifting about 3 lbs in that amount of time. Armed with this knowledge, I would know exactly how much weight I could gain through eating and drinking during the time I weighed, to the meet's weigh-ins. This allowed me to put together a consumption plan – what I would eat, and drink, during that time. Oftentimes that plan also included me working out at some point (I even had a scientific approach and a specific workout designed to lose weight, and I'd know exactly how much weight I was going to lose from that particular workout. But that's for another time.)

That's it for now, have a great holiday and Stay Healthy!

Registration is Now Open!

Small Group Training registration is now open! A lot of slots have already been filled.

Sign up Today or Tomorrow and $ave the most!

[Video] how to exploit one of the most common mistakes

Almost every wrestler you will ever face, makes this very common mistake. In this short 2 minute and 16 second video, you can learn to exploit this mistake to enhance your wrestling immediately.

This is just one of many skills taught in my Mat Camps.

[Video] Short offense, finer details

About 50% of takedown opportunities come off of short offense…countering your opponent’s shot.

Unfortunately, a large majority of wrestlers make crucial mistakes that keep them from scoring.

These are easily correctable mistakes if you know the finer details

Just a few small points that make a big difference, the difference between securing the takedown and losing the points.

This is one of the many situations I’ll be covering in my upcoming Fall Takedown Monster Camp, as well as my Fall Youth Camp, which is modeled after the monster camp.

Watch this short video to see how you can increase the odds of scoring off your opponents shots.

Give yourself a top three mini-evaluation
Give yourself a Top Three Mini-Evaluation

Give yourself a Top Three Mini-Evaluation

This one is specifically geared toward current, active wrestlers but if you’re a coach or parent, you can show this to your athlete as well.

Do yourself a favor and do a mini-evaluation today.  Here’s how it works:

Write down the 3 biggest technical areas of concern you currently face (please don’t say, “Takedowns”, “Top”, “Down” either!)

Be as specific as possible (example:  “I have trouble when people grab my head”, or “I can’t counter legs when someone gets them in.”)

Next, outline your plan for improving in these top three areas – whether through your school coach, an upcoming camp or clinic, or training session with a professional coach.

Feel free to comment right here on this blog,  or email me if you prefer, to share your results.