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3 common yet fatal errors made by youth wrestlers (Part 2)

Have you ever said or thought this?

My athlete constantly gets rolled, even when he’s got the opponent on his back.

If it seems like your youngster’s hips just aren’t quick enough to get him where he needs to be…they probably aren‘t.    

How about this one:

Everytime they get his leg (which is a lot), its like he is stuck in mud.  No reaction time at all.

Unless you’re at a tractor pull, he’s not stuck in real mud, even though it feels like it.

Both of these maladies are borne from the same problem…lack of hips fluidity.

Know where you get that fluidity? 

That’s right, from hip heist drills.

This is sad but true…

I know plenty of wrestlers who did hip heists when they were young…but they never developed fluid hips that allowed them to escape the ranks of average.

The undeniable truth that nobody wants to hear

Unless your athlete learns the entire hips series…that means every important step

  • where to put your hand (90% of all wrestlers miss this vital step)…
  • going both directions…
  • developing speed…
  • executing the high leg…
  • the granby and the motion after the granby (I just lost most people – except my trainees – with that one),
  • and the other key essentials that go with it…

your wrestler may miss out on ever having good, great, and exceptional hips…and instead have to settle for average.

By the time he realizes it, years from now…it’ll be too late.

In truth, the key essentials of the series only take about an hour to introduce…followed by an exact and precise training regimen that accelerates your youngster’s learning curve, so by Day 3, he’s well on his way to developing great hips.

3 common yet fatal errors committed by youth wrestlers (part 1)

Does this ring a bell?

My young wrestler struggles to move from bottom.

It can be agonizing, watching your youngster get ground into the mat for entire periods…struggling to even come close to an escape…and come off the mat devastated because he lost a match he could've won…

and many parents across the wrestling world feel your pain.  The failure to create movement is one of the biggest reasons athletes struggle on the mat…and it represents Fatal Flaw #1.

It's why our hips series has been so popular through the years, and one of the most requested techniques throughout my three decade career of training athletes.  

And while you can learn a hip heist anywhere, many athletes do – and still struggle.  

Here's why.

If it were as simple as learning a hip heist, everyone would be doing it.  But the truth is, our Hips Series specifically trains athletes, step by step, to develop powerful hips movement…while soaking in every small yet important detail…meaning the difference between knowing a hip heist…and being able to execute it dynamically in a large variety of situations.  

Truth is, without the whole series, your athlete will only marginally improve…instead of by leaps and bounds.

The Truth:  Our powerful Hips series is front and center at next week's youth camps…every athlete in atttendance will have the entire powerful series down (with the exception of the highest level technique that even my top level guys struggle with at first – but they will have the “bones” of that one as well.).

In about one hour, the core skills of this series will be taught…and these skills will be reinforced throughout the next couple of days, so by the time he leaves on Friday, he's got these skills down.

Two more fatal errors directly tied to lack of a good hip heist will be discussed tomorrow…you will be surprised to discover all the position a hip heist helps you win from.

Warning: Violent Content

A wrestler recently pointed this out to me and I was startled to say the least…

turns out my website is being banned all across this great land for violent content….

especially in places like schools, churches, maybe an animal shelter or two.

Here’s what a local school said about my site:

Website contains prohibited violence/hate content

Are they right?


we do promote an attacking, in-your-face style of wrestling…

and we do train athletes to make the opponent uncomfortable (by putting them on defense immediately)…

and we even train our athletes to crush the opponent’s hopes and dreams of winning against us…

so yeah.

Perhaps they are right.

Perhaps we should strive to be more acceptable to the world.

Perhaps we can promote a kinder, gentler method of wrestling.

Then perhaps we can change our website to (hey – its available!).




Go ahead, marshmallow world, ban us – I dare you. 

We will continue to vehemently embrace our style and there’s nothing you can do about it! 


And now, just to rub it in to the marshmallow heads everywhere, I am training athletes tomorrow, via Takedown Masters Mini-Mag, how to relentlessly attack the opponent every time they shoot.

  • learn our step by step system for shutting down, moving and scoring on the opponent
  • put him on defense every time he shoots…and keep him there
  • score off his shot…every time
  • learn my system of short offense that is nearly impossible to escape.
  • the biggest mistake athletes make when the opponent shoots.

This can all be yours but tonight is the deadline to snag your copy of Takedown  Masters Online Mini-Mag.  

After that it vanishes like a banned website.

3 reasons I joined this cult

Let’s face it, a lot of folks just don’t understand us wrestling folk.

I'm sure you've heard these sad, sorry, misinformed souls struggle to relate, say things like this:

  • why would you want to roll around with a bunch of sweaty guys?
  • I could never wear that singlet thing
  • and of course…wrestling is so gay

They just don't get it.

Here, for the uneducated, is why we do it (short list, I could write a book):

  • Its the ultimate mano y mano sport.  There is NOTHING more masculine than physically dominating another guy on the mat
  • Its the toughest sport…which draws the toughest people.  If you can wrestle, everything else is easy (ask the navy seals…filled with wrestlers.  Ask special forces…swimming with wrestlers.
  • you can legally punch a guy in the face without going to jail (my personal favorite).

That's why I joined this cult called wrestling and continue to defend the compound

and yeah…we ARE wired just a little differently (okay a LOT differently)…

but we like ourselves, don't we?

The ultimate in sport is domination of your opponent…and the key to dominating your opponent is developing your own relentless attacking style, which allows you to put your opponent on defense immediately and keep him there….

which I go into depth about tomorrow morning via the Takedown Master's mini-mag.

This episode is called Learn how to develop a relentless attacking style.

…and now for the junior high and high schoolers…

The Wizard of ZZ

If you have ever had an extended stay in the hospital, you know it is common practice to wake a patient up to give them a sleeping pill.

So recently I had to go to Licking Memorial Hospital to meet with a sleep doctor…

thank you ultra concerned yet overprotective wife.

So I visit this guy, this brilliant doctor – I think he's from India.  

Cool as heck.  I call him the Wizard of ZZ.

After a (not really very thorough) examination, he shares his brilliant diagnosis with me like this:

He tells me “go to sleep!  You feel betta!”

I love the Indians (to quote trump).

Simple message from a simple yet brilliant man who makes 6 figures just telling people “go to sleep!  You feel betta!”

To think America ain't already great?

While there's still time, don't sleep on your chance to get Friday's Takedown Master's mini-mag, which promises to make you 'feel betta' about this:

  • learn how to develop a relentless attacking style
  • immediately put your opponent on defense…every time
  • break the opponent's position so he's primed for your attack

Youth Wrestlers/Parents….

High School/Junior High…


Why I am 100% in charge

Yes, I actually have one of these shirts

One of my favorite shows is The Profit,  featuring Marcus Lemonis.

Marcus invests in struggling/failing small businesses, buys in for a percentage, and then turns them upside down, and right side up, fixing things and making himself  – as well as the owners –  a ton o' $$.

and every episode he ingrains into them his mantra: “I am 100% in charge.”

He succeeds where others fail by knowing exactly what to do and how to do it…

and when he is finished, his new business partners also know exactly what to do, and exactly how to do it, the Marcus Way, to ensure long-term success.

It's all about process.

And just as business owners sometimes flounder by going in too many directions, instead of following a winning process, wrestlers flounder the very same way.

…and the evidence is all around you.

The wrestler who steps on the mat, not knowing exactly what he is going to do or exactly how to do it, will flounder more often than not.

Now for the good news.

Your days of floundering on your feet, wondering what to do next, are over.

You can learn my process for winning…and knowing exactly what to do when the whistle blows.

Step one of your solution will be revealed Friday via this brand new offering so…

be sure you get in on this while you can.

with the first pick in the draft…

…and it was a tough decision…

it was very close between two very strong competitors.

One had ‘all the tools’…size, athleticism, big arm.

The other had those tiny intangibles…like the ability to learn…strong work ethic…great attitude.

I picked #2 – the guy with the attitude and work ethic…and ended up with a hall of famer.

The other team went with the ‘big arm’ and all they got was the shaft.

Winning is more fun than losing

We win, and we win a lot, by having the right attitude, and an open mind to training.

We lose when we think we only need talent.  Talent helps – immensely…

but ‘tain’t never enuff.

Such is life. 

Speaking of winning,  this weekend is your very last chance to jump aboard and win by snagging the first ever edition of our Mat Machine Online Mini-Mag, where you will discover what athletes waste a ton of brain power on…and how you can avoid this worrisome mistake.

Also – how to get the edge – every time – over your opponent.

she goes to print Sunday if you want her
