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Mental Barriers to Winning

Human nature dictates that we fear what threatens our existence, and run from it.  Its known as fight or flight and has been talked about a lot.

Its also another aspect of human nature that can be a barrier to winning matches – but also can be exploited to our advantage…and must be contained in order to win against the tougher opponents.

The details

When wrestlers encounter an opponent who appears to have physical advantages over them such as:

  • faster
  • stronger
  • bigger
  • more mature

one’s body immediately prepares for fight or flight mode by doing this:

  • start sweating profusely
  • tense up
  • adrenaline starts kicking in

If I encountered a mountain lion, I’d want these natural instincts to kick in.  When wrestling an opponent – I’d like to keep the adrenaline but ditch the others.

  How your buddy aids and abets the enemy

Your very bestest friend on your team may well be helping the enemy – especially by invoking the following warnings to you:   

  • watch out, he’s strong
  • he’s a state champ
  • look out for his single leg
  • don’t get hurt

Thanks, buddy.

He’s not really helping you…instead, he’s preparing you for defeat.

In order to conquer your most physically gifted adversaries, you must neutralize your friend’s negative warnings…or shut him up completely.

Warning:  If you can’t conquer this mental barrier, you will struggle forever to push through your imaginary ceiling to the next level, and beat the better athletes.

In a very short time (a few days at most, possibly tomorrow), I will be releasing my brand new report,  Human Nature:  What it is and how to use it against others to benefit your wrestling and your life.

In it, I dive deep into what makes us tick, how human nature holds us back, and how to exploit it to win more matches…as well as win more in life. 

By reading it, you will discover:

  • how to shut down the feeling of impending doom
  • tricks to make your opponent fear you (including mid-match tactics to trigger their bodies’ fight or flight response, giving you the edge you need)
  • Using your own fight or flight response to your advantage

Take Note:  this report will only go to folks on the email list.  It is copyright material – and will NOT appear on Facebook or any other social media.

You can only get it here. 

Click the blue button below and join, to get this report as soon as it is released.

You want the truth? You can’t HANDLE the truth

Human nature is, without a doubt, the root of all evil in the world.

  • It's why we have wars…  
  • fail to accept those different from ourselves…
  • and selfishly think of ourselves first.

The ugliest aspects of human nature threaten our very existence.

The positive aspects of human nature, however, include…

  • the need and desire to help others.
  • the desire (at least by most of us) to be good people
  • the desire to be like others (wait – that one's not always a positive)

We are naturally born copycats

See a successful idea?
TV show?
Club name?
It's a guarantee that before long, you will see cheap knock-offs of successful ideas (my own club, and the wording around it,  has been copied shamelessly – exact phrases used to promote it, lifted for others' own use:  premier this, attack that).

And each successive rip-off is weaker, less effective, less valuable than the original (like those who ripped off my club for instance).

An original Rembrandt is worth millions while the copy may be had for pennies on the dollar.

Our desire to copy the success of others…or perceived success…leaves a huge crack in the foundation – allowing those who are wise enough to navigate around it and stand out in the crowd.
Human nature (and the desire for copying others – can be used to your benefit.  I've studied the psychology of human nature in wrestling for 30+ years.  I know exactly how to exploit it….

And I will reveal it to you in a few days, with a  Free Report.  In it, I will give you the blueprint for exploiting human nature for your benefit…in wrestling as well as in life.  Once you receive this, you will be able to unlock a secret to success that few people even know exist.

Why am I doing this?

Two Reasons: 

  • First, I want to share my knowledge from 30+ years of training athletes, so folks can benefit from it.
  • Second:  I want to reward YOU for being on my email list.

To be clear:  This report is only going out to those on the list.  If you’re not getting my emails, you will NOT receive it. 

It will NOT be on Facebook, or in my blogs, or elsewhere on my site.

If you’re not currently on the list, go here to join while there’s still time.

Short People

Short people got no reason
Short people got no reason
Short people got no reason
To live
They got little hands
And little eyes
And they walk around
Tellin’ great big lies
They got little noses
And tiny little teeth
They wear platform shoes
On their nasty little feet
-R Newman 1977

When this sleeper hit came out in 1977, it caused quite a stir.



Even death threats.

I was one of the 3 shortest kids in my class (yes, counting girls), every year of my childhood.  Some years I was Numero height-challenged-uno

Thank goodness Sam English moved into the district.

But this was one of my favorite songs growing up – it spent a good solid 5 weeks at #1 on the Randy Charts.

People choose to be offended, and this little ditty was the perfect example of that.

Me, I felt honored that someone finally wrote a song about shorties such as myself.

See?  Its all a matter of perspective.

To this day, I enjoy a good short joke (now, short AND bald jokes).

Life's too short to be easily offended (there I did it to myself).

What offends me more than short/bald jokes? 

People lying to wrestlers.

Luring them in with the promise of bright shiny objects that, like fool's gold,  will turn into magic moves that are unstoppable (they don't exist), and will instantly turn them into champions.

The long and short of it is, this is what turns you into a champion:

Hard work and a dedication to the process of winning from the core positions in wrestling.

This summer, you can learn to win where it counts the most – from the short person sending you this email.

go ye here yet quickly, spots are rapidly vanishing

PS  its a tall order to try and learn the finer details (the ones that mean the difference in winning sometimes and winning lotsa times, when there are tons of kids in the gym.  That's why I insist on keeping my camps to reasonable numbers that allow me to personally train every wrestler.

how my son’s bright shiny nugget quickly evaporated into fools gold

Couple years ago when my son was a preteen,

and we had just moved here to The Sticks, we walked out to the creek that runs through the back of our property.  He’d been pestering me to go panning for gold since we arrived so now was our chance.

There he was, equipped with a pan (actually a saucer from the kitchen)…and down to the creek we went.

It didn’t take him long to pan out some promising nuggets.

“Dad!  I struck gold!  We’re going to be rich!”

As he excitedly swished the water around though, pretty soon those bright shiny nuggets started to evaporate and turn into…well…just ordinary dirt.

His dejected response:  “It turned to gold…but then it turned back again.”

Reminds me of what a parent said, after he thought he and HIS son hit gold at a wrestling camp.

“it was really cool meeting a wrestling STAR.  We got a picture with him and posted it on Facebook.  My son couldn’t recall a single thing he learned though…

Your wrestlers path to Gold Medals involves systematized training where he develops skills to win from the core positions in wrestling…and knows exactly what to do from every position on the mat….

replacing doubt and uncertainty with a clear path to winning.

NOT a path where Gold is promised but Fools Gold is delivered.

Unfortunately, many places employ these tactics…because people keep buying into their fools gold.

This summer, learn how to shake the pan and discover TRUE Gold.

YOUR path to the highest level of success starts NOW

I share your frustration…

seeing your kid lose to someone, and knowing he is as talented as his opponent…and you truly believe if he can just get over the hump…HE can be at the top.

Oftentimes he can. I’ve seen it before and I’ve coached athletes who have done so.

But some kids have an (almost) unfair edge over others.

Here’s why:

In some areas, the norm…the culture…looks like this:  you wrestle the Olympic styles, you go to Nationals in Fargo.

Plain and simple. 

Their best do it and plan on it. As a result, when it really counts (like this past weekend in HS) they’re ready to kick tail.

Your tail.

And oftentimes, they do.

How would you like to not only even the playing field…but tilt that baby to your advantage?

Now’s the time.

Here’s how your athlete can gain a competitive edge over theirs:

  • learning high level techniques that are proven to work at the highest levels
  • training regimen specifically designed to accelerate your wrestlers wins – and
  • gaining instinctive, automatic hips that react instantly, instead of having to wait for an instruction from the corner (which is almost always too late)
  • gaining your mental edge over the competition
  • training to make the national teams (the ones that really count)

Our goals are clear, and our efforts are concentrated, NOT scattered. Athletes in this program will follow our path

straight to the top.

Learn more about how I prepare YOUR athlete to be ready

Special Note: Its not by rubbing shoulders with “special guests”


Listen to Geico

Several folks recently pointed out this Geico commercial, that features thieves and a getaway car…

and this iconic quote: 

“His name’s Randy.  That’s one of the most trustworthy names.”

 Trust ME when I tell you this:

If you are looking to accomplish the following:

  • the power, confidence and mindset to transition from takedown to turn in a split second
  • the ability to come from way behind and rally to win exciting matches
  • that much-needed killer instinct on the mat
  • automatic hips that do the work instinctively
  • the ability to control and shut down any tie…including the often-feared over-under

you can trust that this is the ticket to accomplishing these things

-Randy (not the uber driver)

PS  Every day we march ever closer to filling up our room for the spring – both the top level, and the introductory level, of our training program.
If you want in…
now’s the time

PPS:  priority goes to first signups.

the secret to avoiding burnout

Tis the most wonderful time of the year for wrestlers.

Sectionals, Districts, and State coming up…everything you’ve worked for.

This is what every wrestler (should be) looking forward to.

Yet every season at this precise time, I hear the dreaded word kicked about:


Coaches can help in many ways:

  • doing some crazy things
  • shorter practices and lots of situations
  • transition training

especially transition training.

The true secret why we see no burnout from our dedicated athletes?

Because it is way too much fun to do THIS….

transition like a beast

Example:  last night at Small Group SWEATbox (the third workout this week for some of our most dedicated), we transitioned from specific setups to specific shots, first and second level finishes, followed by specific turns.

Or in attack system-ese:

Clear the arm to sweep single, opponent stops you, snake and run it to finish, to elbow tilt, to bottom guy standup cut through double.

That’s all one transition.

Having the capability to precisely execute at such a high level, and with the speed and intensity of olympic style wrestling, is so much fun, you don’t have time to think about being burned out!

Why most are not ready to take advantage of this amazing drilling system

In order for the above to happen, you first have to learn the elements of the system that make it come together. 


having a system of training where athletes learn specific skills, and train throughout the year to fine tune those skills…

so when that sequence is barked out by me…the athletes in my room have already drilled each skill to near-perfection.

We have used transition training to reinforce multiple setups to multiple shots to multiple finishes, followed by our countering system (including leg counters, spiral counters, cradle counters) and down series such as power sits and standups…as well as top series turns as varied as high level tilts to cradles to leg turns.

Now the bad news:

this is probably not going to be very effective elsewhere.

Here’s why:

this style will not work in the following places:

  • rooms that take drop-in athletes  
  • rooms that promote a ‘special guest’ every week to show moves
  • rooms that just show moves and don’t teach systems
  • rooms that don’t drill core skills repeatedly so you actually learn it and can hit it ‘in your sleep’ instead of having to think it through and attempt to pull it outta your hat at the most crucial times

So yeah.

That eliminates a lot of folk.

Here’s one folk who is benefiting, and he passed this along to me at last night’s workout:

I’m ready to win this weekend at Sectionals and I am confident.  In fact, I haven’t lost a match since I started training with you.

Your journey to learning a system that allows you to smoothly transition from takedown to turn, and know exactly what to do next, starts right here


PS:  I’ve seen a big uptick in folks jumping on board.  They see the success of the attack system athletes who are “All In” and they want to be a part of it.  Since my room has limited space, now’s the time before they close out.