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Wrestler jumps into mosh pit and loses more than his toes

I recently stumbled across this article about moshing, and how many injuries occur at these things.

Especially at rock concerts.

Paul Wertheimer, president of a concert crowd management company, recommends steel toed boots at these events because, apparently, more toes are getting smashed than pumpkins.

“There is no way to crowd surf or stage dive safely consistently,” he said.
(source:  ABC  Mosh pit or death pit?)

As dangerous as mosh pits can be, here’s something even more dangerous if you're a wrestler:

Jumping into the mosh pit of wrestling camps.  That mosh pit often looks like this:

  • Stars eager to give you their autograph
  • Different moves and clinicians every session
  • No system, just random moves
  • Fancy Clinic moves that look great but don’t work against the good kids
  • No re-enforcement of technique
  • lots of merchandise shoved your way
  • You leave camp and wonder, “what did I learn?”
  • You’re no better off (but your wallet is lighter) than when you started.

When you’re done with camp, if you can’t speed drill with precision through the entire camp’s technique – you probably wasted your time.

Even worse:  there's a better than even chance that your wrestling skills got crushed like toes at a Metallica concert.

This summer, you can avoid the mosh pit and adopt this proven, highly successful wrestling system as your own.


How this high school coach led his team to Super Bowl glory

Are you kidding me? Some high school coach is going to beat Belichick? No Way!

That’s what a lot of people thought…

  • expert people. 
  • Betting people. 
  • Oddsmaking people.

You can hardly fault them their skepticism.

After all, Belichick is one of the greatest coaches in NFL history, owning 5 Super Bowl rings.

His rival on the other sidelines,  Doug Pederson, was coaching high school football 10 years ago.

How’d he do it?

By developing a simple, highly effective offensive system.

From one formation, they can attack the defense 6 different ways (similar to our dynamic inside series that is an essential part of our system.  We attack 5 different ways, reading our opponent’s reaction and imposing our will accordingly.)

Based on the reaction of your opponent, you run the play that works. 

The system is simple yet ingenious.  Simple enough that a backup quarterback can learn to execute it in a few short weeks and lead his team to Super Bowl glory.

Pederson followed this process to train his athletes

I know that because they were prepared, and this is the only way you can be that prepared.

Phantom of the takedown

Recently I joined my family for a wonderful evening of terrible food and attended a

performance at a way-outdated packed claustrophe’s-nightmare of a theatre with too many steps and not enough bathrooms…. and also encountered incredibly stupid drivers that nearly ran me over.

Good time to be had by all.

The performance reminded me of the struggles many wrestlers face.

Because just like this show's diabolically frustrated star, haunting his theatre and dropping chandeliers,

Many wrestlers are equally frustrated by this:

  • Struggling to finish shots and losing key matches by 1…
  • Failing to escape the clutches of the tough leg rider
  • Struggling to score those crucial back points that can seal your win in critical go-to matches…
  • And failing to lasso your opponent and put him away when you have the chance

Your answer to solving every one of these struggles, is straight in front of you.

We will train to win from each of them in the next two workouts…

including next Tuesday’s (Jan 16) special Pinner’s paradise session, where you can learn to vent your diabolical frustrations and finish off your opponent with your own magic lasso.


Your answer to solving every one of these struggles, is straight in front of you.

We will train to win from each of them in the next two workouts…

including next Tuesday’s (Jan 16) special Pinner’s paradise session, where you can learn to vent your diabolical frustrations and finish off your opponent with your own magic lasso.


PS. Not on the list yet?  Join us now – its freeEmail subscribers get the lowest rates.

Break these 3 resolutions and win more matches

Because my annual new years resolution, the one that I break first every year,  is this:


I have first hand knowledge about breaking them.

So now, without delay (since its already a day late)…the top 3 resolutions (aka goals) you should break, which can lead to more wins:

•    Be more aggressive (take more shots)
•    Win more matches
•    Work harder

All three sound, on the surface, like fine endeavors – but here’s why you will benefit more by dismantling each of them:

Be more aggressive (take more shots)

Many athletes are told, “you need to take more shots”.  Maybe you do and maybe you don’t.

Truth is, in order to shoot more effectively you have to:

•    Have a set-up that forces your opponent to willingly moving right into your shot
•    Penetrate with precision (including every step:  hitting your knee with angle, Grabbing the leg,  and locking your hands.    All of them – exact and precise.
•    Finish in precisely the manner that will score against the most common counters used by the better wrestlers (ie, if you limp arm to finish your single, you need to upgrade your finish to beat the better kids)

To shoot more effectively, do the above things.  If you can do that, you should shoot more often.

Win more matches.

Here’s the easiest way to win more matches:  Schedule really easy opponents.
If you are wrestling at a JayVee tournament, while others are toiling at Top Gun – your odds are better that you will win more matches.  But I’d rather be winning at Top Gun.

A lot of people make the mistake of judging their success strictly by wins and losses.  Your record will usually be better when the schedule is easier, but it is not indicative of becoming a better wrestler.

Work Harder.

While its certainly beneficial to work harder…having it as a goal – a resolution – can be a mistake.

Here’s why:

By what standard do you measure working harder?

•    Drill faster in practice?  sure.
•    Lift a few more lbs in the weight room?  That’ll help.
•    Run in the morning.  Absolutely.

All good things.


if your goals aren’t measurable… then ‘work harder’ is merely a rally call.  You might as well have a pom pom in your hands.
At some point, it just makes you feel worse instead of better…and have less confidence instead of more.

If you want to make real progress, and are using the new year as a springboard, replace the above, with these:
Set quantifiable goals you can track, chart, and record, such as:

 •    Implement your weight management system.  Included:  you own weight chart complete with goal weights, goal-weight-gains (1.5 lbs gained throughout the day, that means YES to breakfast and lunch)
•    Increased cardio regimen, Charted.    Example:  twice per week, 3 mile timed run, with time goals for each run
•    Pinpoint three areas you need to improve in, that will lead to more wins.  Write them down.  Have a plan for fixing each area.
•    Have Directed, track-able practice goals (here’s how to use practice to get better.)
Exampletoday I will let my teammates in on my legs, and I will work on counters.
Example 2:  I will hit all single legs today – same shot same finish, varying setups.



Athletes can try this out – go here to learn more

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Go here so you never miss important messages again (and also gain access to 5 training videos + discounts on training

A Short-hand secret to winning more matches quickly

Follow this simple process to solving one issue on the mat….

  • Identify the issue (ex: opponent locks his hands every time I stand up)
  • Identify the solution (if you know it)
  • Follow this five phase process to learn the solution and solve the problem.  its very specific and easy to implement so check it out if you have issues you’re trying to resolve (mat issues not relationship issues, I’m no Dr. Phil).
Training for Success: a three step guide

You can learn the best shot in the world…

the slickest trick…the fanciest “designer-move” that all the collegians are raving about…

And it won’t make a bit of difference.

Here’s why:

Your success will have a lot more to do with your ability/willingness to train for success than any one move.  

Here’s your three step guide:

  • Position
  • Precision
  • Pace

I preach this – no – I insist on this – every single practice.

Every time you hear READY:  Get in your stance.  Throughout drilling, throughout penetration steps, throughout just about everything – STAY in your stance.

Be on the details…EVERY Rep.  If you cut it short, you are cheating yourself.  
Step precisely.
Grab the leg precisely.
Turn the corner precisely.
Finish precisely.

Drill as quickly as possible, while still doing it right. 
Partner:  he should never have to wait for you!

Training for success is how athletes make giant leaps in the room, and fast.

Note:  As of this writing, We are holding tryouts for our in-season training program, and offering a $15 discount for a limited time.  If you want to give it a try, go here to read more.

PS  Email me for the promo code if you missed it

Copyright © 2017 Randy’s Attack System Wrestling, All rights reserved.  Don’t even think about copying or swiping this content, it is copy protected.

The BIG THREE critical mistakes and how you can exploit them for your own gain

This Sunday, we are focusing on the three critical mistakes that the entire wrestling world makes, that you (the dedicated athlete) can exploit, to win more matches.

These mistakes are so prevalent, and a part of our wrestling culture, that very few wrestling folks even pick up on it.

In fact, I was on Youtube the other day watching a world champ give a demonstration.

Even he got it wrong.

That is problematic because a lot of wrestling folk hit up youtube to get wrestling knowledge – and assume when they see a world champion, that his technique will work for them.

Now that the season has begun, athletes (the more dedicated ones) may be looking for additional training.

We have a try-out this Sunday (November 19).  At this tryout, I’ll be demonstrating the big three critical mistakes firsthand – and how to exploit it for more wins.

You can try it out for as little as $5 (if you follow instructions) and see if this training is a fit for you.