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What a proctologist and a wrestling coach have in common
What a proctologist and a wrestling coach have in common

Long many years ago I had to go to a specialist doctor for, well let’s just say…issues.

And as I was on the examining table, I got to realizing the similarities between my current situation and what a good wrestling trainer does on a regular basis.

You got it….

Fixing things that are a pain in your butt.

Like stopping on shots and buried underneath.

Or getting beat in one of those scrambles where your adversary grabs your ankle and before you know it you’re staring down his dark side instead of his head…

Or just about to finish your shot and get rolled.

Or needing one point on an escape and getting broken down, ridden and maybe even turned instead

Or trying to salt away a well-earned lead but getting locked up and thrown.

If the thought of losing any more matches this way get you feeling constipated…

This solution is way more fun than your doctor’s examining room


PS. All of the above are situations where wrestlers can gain vast improvement in a very short time. In fact, a group of happy wrestlers have already snagged their spots here. Fix what ails you the painless way

How this 65 pound bespectacled late bloomer stuffed bullies in their place
How this 65 pound bespectacled late bloomer stuffed bullies in their place

Once when I was but a wee undersized underdeveloped bespectacled quiet shy unassuming wallflower of a small child (about 6th grade I believe)…

I used to get picked on quite regularly.

I was the ideal target – smallest boy in my class and – well, you saw the description above.

One day I was on the bus on my way to school, and some lowlife behind me snagged my hat.

I took a quick look around but of course, but all I spotted was snickering.

Bullies always want you to chase the hat and make a fool of yourself. This time around though, I had other plans.

I ignored the snickering behind me, and the calls to find my hat, and pretended like nothing had happened – like I didn’t have a care in the world.

The bus finally came to a stop at the school, and I made my move.

I quickly slid into the aisle, making sure everyone sitting in front of me could get off the bus (nobody in front of me took my hat, after all) – and BLOCKED THE AISLE.

Some of the lowlifes behind me (yes, there were several) tried to push past me – but I had leverage. Both tiny hands grasping tightly to the seats on both sides, and my small 65 lb frame blocking the way.

Meantime, all the kids in the seats ahead of me and across from me had filed neatly off the bus.

About now the low lifes were getting restless, realizing their situation: they were TRAPPED.


I still didn’t utter a word. Just continued blocking the aisle, despite the growing complaints and shoving behind me.

Finally the bus driver caught on that something was amiss.

“What’s going on?” he roared impatiently.

Some of the lowlifes mumbled something about “he won’t move…”

but I still didn’t budge.

Finally, in a calm, yet loud, squeaky voice, I pronounced:


At the moment, there was ONE person in control of that bus – and he wasn’t the guy behind the wheel.

The bus driver then tiredly said, “Give him his hat back.”

Finally, the hat was thrown to me from behind.

I took it, put it back on my head, and triumphantly strode off the bus.

I never knew who took it – nor did I care. I do know that nobody ever took my hat again.

Bullying still exists to this day – it always has and it always will, no matter what we do. Its one of the ugly traits of human nature.

And if you’re the one being picked on, and don’t have an answer, like I did, talk to someone. Don’t let it continue to fester and make you miserable.

And if you see others being bullied – be the cool guy and help put a stop to it.

Believe it or not, wrestlers get bullied too. The incident on the bus happened before I started wrestling – but even after joining the team, I had issues with bullies.

Years later, my daughter was being bullied by girls in her class. I helped her develop some tools for her to deal with it, and once I did, a strange thing happened….

She started to go to school with her head held high – and couldn’t wait for them to try something! Because she was ready. After one go-around, they never picked on her again.

If you have any situations you’d like to share with me, or questions about how to handle situations that come up, send me an email and I’ll give you a hand.

Also if you’d like to hear more, let me know.


PS One of my former students told me about a time he got suspended from school because he stood up to a bully – hit a double leg takedown on him, got him down, and said, “Now stop picking on that kid.” His parents were proud of him – and I would have been, too. He was a tough guy – he won schoolboy state and wrestled on the Ohio team in the olympic styles of freestyle and greco roman wrestling. That’s what the tough guys do in the spring.
He trained here.

Rookie coach grabs the salsa but forgets the chips
Rookie coach grabs the salsa but forgets the chips

Several moons ago when I was but a wee coach, I made young-coach mistakes too. Mistakes I see as clearly as the nose on your face now, but back then I missed them.

kHere’s one:

I spent significant time on the single leg takedown with this athlete. Workout after workout, I’d have him drill it, along with a healthy array of setups, until it was so ingrained in him, there was no way he was going to miss out on taking people down with it.

Except that he did.

Next session when I asked about his match, he said, “I lost.”

Did you hit the single leg?

His response?

I never got to the single leg.

The opponent got to him first – grabbed a hold of him, shot in, took him down.

I had made the most common of young-coach mistakes. Instead of focusing on winning the position war, I jumped ahead to the attack.

Its like bringing the salsa for the super bowl but forgetting the chips.

I learned an important lesson that day, which became the first focus of attack system wrestling: position yourself so you can’t be attacked.

Today, we emphasize it every session.

And during the summer, we refine it to the highest degree.

If you struggle to stand in the center and keep the opponent off your legs, you will struggle mightily in attempting to impose your will. And instead, you may wrestle scared, afraid of your opponent’s attacks.

There’s no way you can implement any attacking system while wrestling scared.

Instead, if you discover the secret to always winning the position war, you will keep opponents off your legs – even the fast, strong, athletic ones.

Here’s where your success begins


PS. This week, every athlete who commits to this attacking system of wrestling will gain access to a few special reports that can help you win matches right now – even before learning my system of wrestling.

This one is called the secret to ALWAYS winning the position war. Its an easy read and will change your outlook on your feet by laying out specific keys to shutting your opponent down on your feet with just a few simple movements.

In addition….

You will want to read special report #2 right after that one:

the key to developing a relentless attacking style.

The two fit like a glove and are critical to you winning at peak time.

These reports will be made available to all who are signed up by this Friday.

Top 3 reasons for the shutdown
Top 3 reasons for the shutdown

Know what happens during a shutdown?

Nothing positive.

Just last night a parent asked me, why isn’t my son using the techniques he’s drilling?

The hardest thing to watch is an athlete shutting down in situations they’ve worked hard to win from.

its worse when you know they could winning more but aren’t.

Here are 3 reasons for the shutdown happening in your brain:

  • You haven’t achieved phase 5 yet (using it in a match).
  • deer caught in headlights mode kicks in. (its right there in front of you but you freeze)
  • afraid to pull the trigger and go for it

Here’s how you can break through your barriers quickly, and start wrestling your best in the matches

If you are struggling to break through, Tuesday’s Peak Performance Master Training is your opportunity to:

  • Eliminate slow starts
  • Stop hesitating and start attacking
  • Start pulling the trigger
  • Build a championship mindset
  • Accelerate your performance
  • Quickly correct bad technical habits

Go here now


PS Registration for this special event ends tonight at midnight – your opportunity is slipping away

PPS: My good friend David has a special report ready just for you: The Hidden Switch inside your brain that controls your performance on the mat.

Discover how to control your hidden switch, and get this special report while there’s still time.

Did you build your wall?

If you struggle to finish your shots…

Or win scrambles…

Or score from the crackdown position…

Or score when he has your leg….

Now’s the time.

Tomorrow’s Finishing School is your opportunity to discover critical methods for winning in these tightly contested positions. 

It starts with developing a powerful position, even when trapped.

Once you get hold of the leg, you should be able to establish a strong power position that completely shuts down any possibility of your opponent scoring on your shot.

Think of it as building your own wall – a power position wall – then making him pay for it with your finishes.

Now’s your chance


PS  Just like the government, this shuts down at midnight.

Crush it like Clemson

Coupla nights ago Clemson shook up the college football world with a shocking beatdown on perennial favorite, Alabama.

How did the Tigers win?


They took their shots and finished them.

Took their shots down the field with long passes.

Took their shots with running plays that ended up in the end zone.

Scored touchdowns multiple ways.

Now for the flip side…

They also shut down Alabama’s drives repeatedly, stuffing them on their scoring opportunities.

The Crimson tried, but failed, to finish their opportunities.

That’s how you win against tough opponents.

Score on your attacks, and counter theirs.

I am offering an advanced training session to help you finish shots from some of the most common positions in wrestling.

Go here to learn more


PS. Once you join my list, you will receive emails with a promo code that saves you $20 on this training. 

Go here to join and save.

Don’t be a turkey, gobble gobble.

Once upon a time Tom the Turkey thought he could win football games forever.

Indeed, he had flown higher than all other turkeys on 5 occasions and it was a super impressive accomplishment to be sure.  Despite a few Giant stumbles, he was often lauded by his turkey peers as one of the greatest turkeys ever.

Alas, along came a nest of Eagles that clipped his wings and stuffed him in cranberry sauce.

The lesson?

Even GOATS eventually transform into Turkeys.

Don’t be a turkey, gobble down some training goodies here
