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The 1st Annual Covid Denial Wrestling Tournament  

Entry:  $10 (cash only – stand in line maskless to sign up)

Weigh-ins:  8 am – 9 am:   All wrestlers must be present and crowded in the same room for the entire hour, starting at 8 am and concluding when everyone is checked in.

Health checks:  No skin checks, no temperature checks, gosh I hope you’re fine

Wrestling starts on all 30 mats at 10 am

Available facilities:  No showers available.  Locker rooms are also out of the question.  The bathrooms are a great (and sanitary) place to change.  All crowd in at once please!

Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, distant relatives, friends, even pets are all welcome and encouraged to attend and watch your wrestler compete with 1100 other kids.

Plan ahead!  We will be here all day.  Breathing, coughing and sneezing on each other.   What could go wrong?


Entry Form

Name                      _____________________________________________

Grade (pre-covid)   _____________________________________________

School (if one exists). ___________________________________________

Address.                 _____________________________________________

Date of Birth:         __________________________

Weight Class.        ____________

I hereby absolve this school district, employees, coaches, and anyone associated with this tournament, of all legal responsibilities should my child get injured, develop the sniffles, or other maladies as a result of participation in this tournament.  His doctor says he’s good to go so that’s good enough for me.


Parents sign here

Champions receive this commemorative patch