Recently I formed a strategic alliance with a partner. This partner is renowned for helping athletes wrestle their best –
and I am very excited to have him on board!
Together we will be reshaping the way wrestlers, parents, and savvy coaches, approach training, competing, and success.
Here’s what I mean:
For many athletes, the biggest challenge facing you is not your:
- Ability level
- Setups
- Takedowns
- Down position
- Opponent’s leg riding
- Struggles in holding down your opponent
Although all of those are potential challenges that need addressed.
The biggest challenge?
Your ability to wrestle your best every time you hit the mat.
Its one thing to get beat by someone who is simply better or more skilled. Its a whole other can o’ worms to lose matches you could win – or even win matches but wrestle way beneath your capabilities.
In talking to parents, athletes, and coaches, the ability to get into that Zone, and wrestle your best, is the biggest challenge facing wrestlers – the one that frustrates them the most.
That zone is your Peak Performance Zone.
My friend is an expert at helping athletes (as well as business people in his everyday work life) find their way into that zone, and stay there – allowing them to find more success than ever thought possible…
bust through performance ceilings self-imposed by them and others…
compete with, and defeat, wrestlers thought to be ‘out of their league’.
Here’s how you know if you struggle to get into your peak performance zone:
Do you:
- fold when you see the bracket
- melt when you fall behind in the match
- fall apart when you lose a match
- sometimes ready to roll- sometimes not?
If any of these apply….my friend and I are teaming up to help:
Get in the Zone: Your Peak Performance Road Map
Reserve this date: Tuesday January 28, 7:30 – 9:00 pm (it’ll be a workout as well so come ready to train and sweat!)
This event has ended so you can no longer reserve your spot in it (be sure to use your promo code from the emails to save $ on training).
I just realized that I promised to tell you more about my friend and strategic partner, Dave. and until now, I haven’t even mentioned his name!
Excuse my rudeness, I am absolutely terrible at introductions (just ask my wife – she faces it every time we go anywhere).
So here’s a page that tells you all about Dave. He will also be talking to those on my email list and telling you more about this upcoming event.
Every week we utilize techniques presented at our Peak Performance Road Map session. You can still utilize many of these skills by training here!